Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Session 3


Paul - Parmelk, the Kalashtar Cleric
Seth - Seahand, the Half-Elf Fighter
Tim - Gnome Wizard
Skyler - Elf Rogue
Emmett - Thokk, the Goliath Barbarian
Reggie - Dragonborn Sorcerer


This session begins with our party on the road to the Toadwollow Caverns.  Reaching a fork in the road, they chose to head directly west to the caverns to battle the bullywugs instead of heading to Tor's Hold.  Later in the day, they reached the entrance, a 10 foot high waterfall gushing from a vine covered hill.

Although the sentries were not very attentive, the party decided on a direct assault and climbed up the cliff.  The first up notice two froglike humanoids in poorly fitting armor crouching in the shadows behind a multicolored fungus.  The party finally managed to get everyone up and they fought the bullywugs.  Midway through the battle three stirges flew out of the shadows.  The wizard got stung, but the party came through in the end.

Searching the cavern, they found some magic mushrooms.  Bloodcaps and milkcaps.  They immediately ate two and saved the rest.

Creeping further into the cavern, the noticed a giant dragon's skill in the middle of a 15 foot high cave.  At the back of the cave, a dribble of water pouring through a crack formed a shallow pool.  The bullywug chieftan was hiding in the skull and let out a loud croak as the party approached.

At the same time a few gray oozes slithered out of a deep pit in the corner and a group of bullywugs came out of hiding.  Thokk was on the front lines with his fortitude dropping, he managed to crush the oozes, while the wizard rained down magic missiles on the leader.  After dropping the final bullywugs, the leader surrendered.  No one really believed him, but the party was interested in the treasure he claimed to have in the cave.

As they approached, he double crossed them with a fiery croak.  He didn't last long after that.  They found his treasure hidden in an unlocked chest under a pile of bones.

On their way out of the cavern, they heard the call of an approaching band of bullywug raiders.  Trying to croak a greeting back to them failed miserably, and they went to the cave mouth to see what was out there.  Among the bullywugs were a few giant frogs and a young Elven boy.
Parmelk Eaten by a Giant Frog
During the melee, Parmelk was eaten by a frog.  He managed to blow it to pieces with a lance of faith and added some more stains to his cloak.  If you looked hard enough, you could distinguish the different stains made by exploded rats and frog guts.  After killing Ugglor, the leader, the last two bullywugs decided to make a break for it, but were cut down in their retreat.

The rogue and Seahand managed to find the young elf hiding in the trees and convinced him to come out of hiding.  They learned his name was Heron and that he had been fishing with a friend when the raiding party surprised them.  His friend escaped, but he feared he was to become ooze food.  The party offered to help him get back to his clan, the Reedfoot elves.

The approach to Tor's Hold
Heron accompanied them back to the town of Tor's Hold, where the party was met by Bran Torsson, the village elder.  He thanked them and pledged his help in the struggle against the Iron Circle.  Killing off the bullywug threat freed up two score stout fighters who would come in handy in the upcoming showdown.

During the night a dragonborn messenger came looking for the sorcerer.  He carried a secret message.  In the morning the sorcerer explained that he had been drafted into his home country's military, and could not stay with the party.  Not five minutes after they bid their farewells, a wizard dressed in a battered and worn suit of leather and carrying a magic wand walked in ...


+1 Dwarven Plate
+1 Bestial Armor
+1 Veteran's Leather Armor
Potion of Healing
220 gp
300 sp

XP Breakdown:

900XP = Encounter 1 - Entry Cavern
865XP = Encounter 2 - Dragon Skull Cavern
900XP = Encounter 3 - Return of the Ugglor's raiding party
175XP = Quest XP - Minor quest reward
2840 Total XP
568 XP each
(1848 Total XP per character.  We should hit level 3 next session)

Magic Item Overview

+1 Dwarven Plate
Crafted by the finest Dwarven armorsmiths, this armor was once only available to dwarves.
Enhancement: AC
Property: Gain a +1 bonus to endurance checks
Power: (Daily ✦ Healing): Free action. Regain HP as if you had spent a healing surge.
+1 Bestial Hide Armor
Crafted from the skin, fur, and bones of cave bears, this armor gives its wearer a feral relentlessness when pursuing prey.
Enhancement: AC
Power (Daily): Free action. Use this power when you  hit a target after a charge, Make a melee basic attack with a +2 power bonus against the same target.
+1 Veteran's Leather Armor
Battered and worn, this unassuming armor helps you get the most out of your experiences.
Enhancement: AC
Property: When you spend an action point, you gain a +1 item bonus to all attack rolls and defenses until the end of your next turn.
Power (Daily): Free action.  Spend an action point.  You do not gain the normal extra action.  Instead, you regain the use of one expended daily power.
Potion of Healing
This simple potion draws on the body's natural healing ability to cure your wounds.
Power: (Consumable ✦ Healing): Minor action. Drink this potion and spend a healing surge.  Instead of the HP you would normally regain, you regain 10 HP.

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